Policy Briefs

Tackling the crisis in Guinea: Prioritising the Priorities [October 28, 2009]


The September 28, 2009 massacres of over 150 Guineans and maiming of others; the brutal raping of women and reported hiding of corpses of the victims, have dashed all hopes of Guineans and pundits who still afforded to give the military junta a chance. Captain Dadis Camara has just  plummeted from a ‘hero to a villain.’ The ‘wait and see’ period that followed the bloodless coup d’état after the death of President Lansana Conté and the seizure of power by Captain Dadis Camara has flickered out.

Nigeria — Niger Delta Crisis and Yar’adua’s Administration: Critical Issues & Hurdles [February 20, 2008]

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Ending the Niger Delta CRISES: Exploring Women’s Participation in Peace Processes [August 15, 2009]

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1 Comment

  1. Thanks for sharing the article, and more importantly, your personal experience! Mindfully using our emotions as data about our inner state and knowing when it’s better to de-escalate by taking a time out are great tools. Appreciate you reading and sharing your story, since I can certainly relate and I think others can too.

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